Thursday, September 11, 2008

The first time...

Through the marvel of emails and phone calls, we have kept in contact with your arrival and through the magic of skype we have "seen" you from the day you were born.

But today, September 11, 2008 is the first time I have held you...and cuddled and kissed you. To once again be rocking a baby to sleep, brings back all the wonderful moments of my season of mothering back in an instant. How much like your father you are :) But my baby is now your quickly 26 years flies by.

Finding the quiet moments to once again treasure the everyday celebration of childhood is a wonderfully happy trail to be on. It's all so familar and at the same time, such a grand, new adventure. It's all such a gift to my heart, there simply are not words big enough to describe it.

...YOU are magnificant :)

...I am your Grammy :) and

...I am blessed.

Waiting for the plane to land

So, here we are, it's finally Thursday, September 11, 2008 and we are on the plane only hours now from seeing you for the first real time...and I'm pinching myself, hardly believing it's for real :)

The thought of really being someones grandmother is overwhelming beyond words. When I just sit here, it's like no time has passed...I'm a child of seven, thinking that life will never change...a young woman of twenty, just waiting to start a family of my own..and I'm fifty-two on my way to meet my grandson :)...all of life seems to be converging at this very point.

My life unfolds before me in what feels, in this moment, like a story in completion. There is always something more to be waiting for, and for a year now...YOU have been that something we have been waiting for.

First to know you were on your way, and the waiting began...then the wait to see if you were a boy or a girl...the wait for nine months to pass, the wait for labor to begin, the wait for your birth, the wait to hear your name, and your first cry. The wait to see your picture, your skype visit, your smile, your laugh, your coos and chatter.

...and now the wait to land in Cleveland, drive to your house, and to see you...actually hold you & kiss your adorable little baby, my, very sweet this waiting is:)

In this moment, everything else just seems to melt away in the moment of knowing that someone very precious is at the end of the wait.

When I was a young mother, I don't think I fully realized just how precious my sons were to their "Granny", my mother. But now I know more fully the joy of a grandson of my own, and a grandmother's love is different from a mother's love, though there is much that feels the same ~ a precious little someone to love and protect ~ there is another layer of love.

...beyond that of an all-consuming love and on to the feeling of being on the cusp of something magnificant, on to another link in the completion of the cycle of life.

You are our precious Blake & we are so Blessed!

~I love you! ~ Mama Bev