Friday, August 28, 2009

So much for a little boy to do!

While it may be obvious that Grammy is taking all the pictures, it has become equally as obvious that Grampa is doing his fair share of giving Blake treats at every turn.

but isn't that what grandparents do?....yep!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Arrival in Seattle

This is how one very active 14 month old Blake arrived in Seattle after a much too long flight from Ohio.

Hello Sweetheart!...we have such adventures waiting for you....sweet dreams :)

They are on the plane!

They are on the plane....and headed to us!

Time to finish up the final details and wait patiently while they make the flight.

Oh to have the wings of a bird and have flown to greet them...someday, someday....

But for today there is much left to do and then they will be here...

Close enough to hold and hug...yes, a little slice of heaven is just hours away :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So adorable!

One more day!

There is much to do to be ready for you, but even if I don't get one more thing on my "To Do" list done you can be certain that my heart is ready for you :)

The snacks are stacked on the counter, the juice and milk are in the fridge. The safety gate sits at the ready at the top of the stairs and the outlet covers are in every "Blake level" outlet. There are diapers and blankets neatly stacked and ready. The books are in a basket, waiting to be read.

The toys and travel games are in the car waiting to be packaged for presentation. The clothes are on the chair...and gifts are waiting to be wrapped. There is still the idea for a door plate ratteling around in my head, the plans for that project will no doubt materialize in the eleventh hour as they so often do. And as it so often happens the tasks will all be completed when today's early morning turns into tonight's evening.

So I will be diligent and finish my list. And I will be patiently waiting for just the right moment when the plane lands and Grammy Time begins again :)....

Friday, August 21, 2009

The countdown begins...

The countdown begins...okay, so the countdown started the moment we left Wooster, but now that August 27 is in site, we can begin a respectable countdown..a realistic countdown, a countdown that can be captured in two hands!

...and that countdown is now inside of one week...true it's only inside by minutes, but when it comes to Grammy Time every minute counts.

I have been gathering toys...blocks, books, pull toys, bath time toys, cars...basically anything else that seems to be labeled appropriate for a one year old. I am convinced that we found the last pool in the Seattle area! and we are ready to play.

We have passed the need for infant spoons, bottles, and jars of baby food; we have crossed the threshold into the land of toddler utensils, sippy cups, plastic plates, safety gates, outlet plugs, faucet covers, and bubble bath.

And soon, though not soon enough, the office will be transformed into a sleeping room for Blake. And soon, though not soon enough, we will be together.

How wonderful to have begun the countdown!