Friday, January 27, 2012

...My strength is made perfect in weakness...2 Corinthians 12:9

o    This picture of Blake was taken in September 2011...prior to his cancer diagnosis...

       UPDATE from Christina | Friday, January 27:

Doctor told me on Wednesday Blake's platelet count was a little low. She told me to come back Friday and expect him to get a transfusion. The Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for an increase of platelets the last two days. I have been SO tired, and these have been brief, sleepy prayers. Went back today fully prepared to be there all afternoon, and his counts were so high he didn't need the transfusion! 2 Corinthians 12:9 moment "for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
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Our hearts are rejoicing with the news, and we are encouraged with the confirmation that God is faithful in the details

Thank you for your faithful intercession as Blake's journey continues. We are so grateful that you continue to encourage us.

...Through the times when we don't know the details of what's going on inside our little warrior's body, but we are confident that the healing
work continues...

...Through the times when we don't know how to pray, but we know that the only thing we can do is pray through to release...
...Through the times when we have no words to say, yet our hearts cry out...
Knowing you stand with us, gives us strength we do not have on our own.
And then a day like today comes along and we are encouraged with a report like Christina got today. We know once again that God has indeed heard every whispered prayer and He continues to hold Blake securely in the palm of His hand.
His ear is not silent to our cry...and His arm is not shortened to reach to where we are.
Along the way we are given the opportunity to increase our circle of care...we learn of other children who have become warriors at much too young an age. We add the names of Hudson and Zion to our prayerAlong the way we are given the opportunity to increase our circle of care...we learn of other children who have become warriors at much too young an age. We add the names of Hudson and Zion to our prayer list...and include the faces of children whose names we do not know. These little warriors and their loved ones travel together on their uninvited journey through cancer to healing.
We are encouraged with the reality, "no one fights alone".
And we are blessed that such an army of warriors carries our hearts into the Throne Room of our God who knows each little lamb's name.
May God richly bless you for your faithfulness in the care of hurting hearts.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An Unexpected Long Day

Christina and Blake were at the clinic at 9 am for Blake's check up and returned home after 5 pm. Due to low counts, Blake rec'd both blood and platelets today....a day long process.

We pray for peace and strength for Christina and Steven as they walk out the many emotions that accompany caregiving Blake through the healing...and for complete healing and restoration for our courageous little warrior!

Blake is scheduled for a full body CAT scan on Friday to see if there are any additional tumors growing elswhere in his body and to check in on how the protocol is progressing. We continue to pray and believe for a clean report.

Thank you for your faithful intercession and encouragement as they move forward into healing. We pray that they will be able to push through the "weary" moments to embrace the promise of complete healing that will unfold in the days to come.

We never know when the unknown, difficult moments will invade their hearts / minds and exhaust their reserves...We do
know we are at the beginning of this journey and we are so grateful that we do not walk alone. Thank you for taking us with you when you enter the Throne Room......