Friday, April 13, 2012

God is Faithful

o       April 13, 2012 | Blake Update from Christina:  We are slowly weaning Blake off of the blood pressure med he's been on since November. Please pray with us that all goes well. Every day he gets closer to a life without any medication, chemo or shots! Thanking Jesus for His faithfulness to complete what he has started in Blake's life.
I still find it unbelievable that Blake has been in this battle since November...and that November was only 4 months ago. It is interesting how such a lifetime has exploded in such a short time.  In times like these it always amazes me how time can drag on and rush forward all at the same time.

We have seen God's hand move in miraculous ways in defending Blake.  Oh! what a future awaits a generation filled with such mighty warriors. There is nothing too great for our God to accomplish, there is nothing too small that it escapes His watchful eye.

The journey to the Final Bell continues. Every day brings it's own set of challenges and victories. Whether those challenges are great or small, none of them are insignificant

Thank you for walking this challenging journey with us. Thank you for taking us into the Throne Room with you. Thank you for your encouragement at every turn. And THANK YOU for loving us

You are treasures to our hearts

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